Essential Oils

Share Young Living

No sales experience is required when your focus is on sharing. Here at The Spruce Society, we believe in the power of sharing your personal story to help people know, like, and trust these products - because they know, like, and trust you. Anyone can sell something, but the real power comes in sharing your story in order to help people understand the benefits. Learn all about how we share in order to gain the genuine trust and loyalty of our customers. This takes hard, purposeful work, but we promise it’ll be fun! 

Keep it simple.

Choose 3-5 products that you know and love and begin sharing about them consistently. Be sure to use products that you are comfortable sharing that have given you proven results. This will help you talk about them confidently in ways that encourage people to try them as well. 

So how do you “share” about them?

It’s not enough to simply say, “Hey look! I love Lavender!” Share your story about why you tried it. Talk about what it has done for you. And educate people on how it works and why it’s helpful. 

And before you know it, your sharing of the products you love will help you to earn money for more products, make a car payment, or even replace an entire income! 

Pay For Your Products

A great starter goal for your business is to simply pay for your products. As you share your love of these incredible products and your friends start to take notice, you can help them get the products for themselves all while earning an income that helps to pay for your monthly orders. 

Nearly every Young Living Brand Partner started out by covering the cost of their personal orders and quickly grew their business to make car payments, pay mortgages, and even replace entire incomes. The sky is the limit when launching your business, but a great place to start is to simply pay for the products you love by sharing how much you love them.