Essential Oils

Why Spruce Society?

With so many incredible Young Living teams to join, why should you choose Spruce Society? 

The short answer: Because we’re awesome! 

But we want you to have the long answer so let’s look at all the reasons why we believe you would feel right at home here at Spruce Society.

  • Exclusive group full of community, education, and belonging. 

  • Over 25 leaders with 10+ years of invaluable experience with oils and business.

  • Monthly content curated just for you to help you use your oils and build your team. 

  • Multiple options for growth and learning through classes, texts, online workshops, and more.

  • Members only resources and social media outlets to help keep you plugged in and connected with the community.

  • A place for your Customers and Brand Partners to feel welcomed, accepted, and comfortable.

  • Access to exclusive members only resources on our website.

  • A welcoming community of Young Living oilers who share recipes, tips, and testimonies, all with the same goals: health, happiness, and wellness. 

Simply put, we’re here for you. Our team was built around the desire to join in community and we would love nothing more than to welcome you into ours.