Essential Oils

Why Young Living?

With so many options on the market, we know that it can be super confusing on which direction to go. Trust us. We were there once too. We did a ton of research on our options and honestly, Young Living provided us with the most “pros” that were super important to us and our families.

There are a ton of factors that led us to Young Living, but let’s look at what makes us different and what ultimately landed us here.

We have been leading the essential oil industry since 1998!! Young Living proudly owns its own farms and partners with many others across the world. This is incredibly important because it means they can offer a guarantee from the seed going into the ground to the seal going on the bottle. They oversee every single step of the process and demand the highest quality for all of their products. Offering us what we all know as the seed-to-seal guarantee. Want to learn more, click over!

Let’s geek out about the behind the scenes of the YL difference.


Not all essential oils are created equal. Young Living will never knowingly compromise by adding synthetics, contaminants, cheap fillers, or by using unethical production practices. Young Living sources products from carefully vetted corporate-owned farms, partner farms, and Seed to Seal-certified suppliers while testing them extensively. If our exhaustive tests show a product doesn’t meet our standards, we don’t buy it, or we reject the batch.


A healthier world for us allAs guardians of people and the earth, we’re committed to helping our world thrive for generations to come. Your support empowers us to make a lasting impact through The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation; supply chain integrity; and responsible farming practices.


Science is the cornerstone of what we do at Young Living. Our trained scientific staff employs cutting-edge methods to develop new products, as well as to help ensure the quality of all of our products. Both our D. Gary Young Research Institute and Quality team perform their important work in state-of-the-art labs with some of the most advanced scientific equipment available.


Part of our stewardship is to do business responsibly—from sustainably sourcing plants, to uplifting local communities, and complying with environmental and other laws. Through our Global Compliance Program, we seek to ensure that Young Living offers pure products that you can feel confident are contributing to the greater good.

What makes our farms the best?

Young Living either owns, operates, or partners with farms all around the globe. Currently, you can find farms in North America, South America, Asia, Europe, and Australia. After leading the industry since 1998, we’re still just getting started! 

Some practices you can always expect from our farms and partner farms:

  • ZERO pesticides or chemicals are used in the growing process.

  • 5 years of successful growing is required before being deemed eligible to harvest for oils.

  • Continual testing of water, soil, and air.

  • 50 trained scientists on staff.

  • NO conventionally grown seeds are permitted for use in Young Living’s Farms. 

  • Pest control using essential oils and other natural techniques, including weeding by hand.

  • Each batch of oil goes through rigorous in-house and 3rd party testing to make sure it meets the highest standards. If it doesn’t meet those standards after testing, the batch will not be used. 

  • Young Living oils are first-distillation oils only.

  • Any partner farms of Young Living are upheld to the same Seed to Seal standards of Young Living’s privately owned farms. This includes on-site distillation and bottling to ensure better quality oil.

Young Living’s Global Farms are open to the public during operating hours, including open tours of distillation labs and testing labs for full transparency. If you ever have a chance to visit a YL farm, DO IT! It is guaranteed to be an experience you’ll never forget!  You can even participate in a harvest!

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