Essential Oils

Start Your Business

So what does it mean to launch a business by becoming a Brand Partner? A person who has entered into a Brand Partner agreement with YL can build a Young Living business by enrolling new customers or other Brand Partners. They receive compensation for their work from Young Living following our global compensation plan.

But how do you do it?

It’s super simple! First, you’ll want to become a Brand Partner for free - either during the enrollment process or converting from a Customer to a Brand Partner by going HERE. Once you start sharing about Young Living consistently, you’re going to need to know how to help people get them for themselves!

You can do that in one of two ways: 

  • Option #1: Sharing Your Personal Reference Link.

  • Option #2: Wishlists

Young Living has made it so easy to share about these amazing products with simple ways to help people order products and join your team. Start sharing your passion for these products today! 

How Can We Help You?

No matter the question, we want to help you find an answer! If you can’t find the help you’re looking for in our exclusive Facebook groups, be sure to reach out to your enroller, they are always willing and excited to help! Never let your questions go unanswered simply because you’re nervous to ask! That’s why we’re here! 

Check out our list of FAQs. We may just already have the answers to some of your questions here: 

Q: Do I need to have sales experience to do this?

A: No! That's what makes social selling and network marketing so unique. You're sharing about what you love, and we love Young Living's oils and products. Young Living provides you with a custom referral link, and when you share it, anyone can shop from it. All you have to do is share what you've been using, what you love, and why. Many of us got started simply by sharing with friends and family about these oils, and how they have helped us. They then wanted to try them for themselves! It's the least complicated, most genuine way of selling.

Q: How much inventory do I need to buy and have on hand?

A: None! You won't be stockpiling inventory or shipping to customers. You won't have to purchase anything to sell, just what you want to use for yourself. Young Living does all the transactions, packaging, and shipping directly to the customer. It works just like any other e-commerce business. You simply use the products, share your link, enroll Customers and Brand Partners, and help educate them once they get their products!

Q: Do I need a big following on social media to be successful?

A: Nope. Some Brand Partners have risen through the ranks without a social media presence at all! You have a unique audience available to you that no one else has, and you have influence with those people, so share! Share in person, share online, and send texts and emails. Just tell people and as they see how much these oils and products have changed your life, they'll want to try them too. Social media is a tool just like anything else and can help make it easier for you, but you don't have to be a big influencer to find success, you just need to reach your audience!

Q: Do I need to be an expert on oils?

A: No one is when they get started. And that's okay! You know what you love, you know they work for you, and you know that they can help others. That's where you start. There are plenty of resources available for you to learn more about oils, the products, Young Living, and everything you need to know. And being part of the Spruce Society community means you have leaders and Brand Partners who are willing to help and answer questions when you have them! Get plugged in. You'll learn and grow with the rest of us. That's the best way! Plus, Young Living is all about a lifestyle of clean living and health and wellness. You'll find your favorite oils, supplements, body care, home products, and more that you'll be passionate about because of what they've done for YOU, so take that passion and start sharing!

Q: Can I have multiple streams of income outside of Young Living?

A: Yes! Having multiple streams of income is a great way to make sure you are more financially secure. That's how many of us got started with the business side of Young Living, so you're in good company. You can review Young Living's Policies and Procedures here (link to P&P) as well and ask your upline about the best ways to grow your Young Living business!

Q: Isn't Young Living a pyramid scheme?

A: No, that's just a title that some people like to lump all network marketing companies into, but did you know that pyramid schemes are illegal? The government letter agencies would have shut Young Living down years ago if they even remotely resembled a pyramid scheme. People sell the products because they're excited about them and want to share. That's not what a pyramid scheme is.

YOU are in control of what you want to get out of Young Living and there's never any pressure. Most of the people who buy Young Living's products, about 90%, are customers who simply love the products. When you get involved in the business side, you choose what you're hoping to get from it. Want an extra $100 to cover your monthly order? Go for it! Want a few hundred bucks to cover some monthly expenses or start paying down debt or saving? Make a plan! Young Living can be a part-time hustle or a full-time gig. The time and energy you put into will determine what it is for you!

Q: What's the monthly sales quota?

A: There isn't a monthly sales quota to meet! As we said, you can aim for as little or as high as you want with your Young Living business. It's up to you!

Q: What exactly do I need to get started?

A: Become a Brand Partner for FREE and get plugged in with your team and Spruce Society. That’s it! We have free training, leaders who pour into the community, and answers to all the questions you’ll have as you get started.

Young Living also has a free app for Brand Partners called "Young Living Essentials" and it gives you access to shareable items directly from Young Living to make sharing even easier. Download it from the Apple or Android store by searching "Young Living Essentials" or clicking the links below:

Apple users click here.

Android users click here.

Q: Why choose Young Living?

A: This list could go on forever, but here are just a few reasons to start a business with Young Living:

  • They are the industry leader in essential oils with almost 30 years of experience

  • The Seed to Seal guarantee - Young Living has 25 Seed to Seal farms across the world

  • Extensive, industry-leading testing - in-house and 3rd party, done in triplicate to ensure you and your family get the very best oils and products

  • Over 600 products that can help change your life - from oils to supplements to natural cleaners and body care - there's something for everyone

  • A comp plan that is fair, generous, and rewarding.

  • The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation - serving those in need and impacting lives all around the world

  • Freedom to choose what's best for you and your family

Business Essentials Kit

With this kit, you’ll be able to create a plan for making money, write your YL story, and plan a daily schedule to help you meet your goals.

Each kit includes:

  • 90-day MyYL trial (over a $30 Value): A YL website to help you serve your customers and build your business. 

  • RISE 90-day planner: To help you set and track your business goals.

  • RISE to Royal brochure: A guide to all that is possible with YL as you achieve new ranks.

  • YL Insights card: A look at how YL Insights can help you manage your business.

  • Silver Bound flyer: A plan for helping you structure your team for success. 

Income Disclosure Statement, what is that?

To help you build a business in an honest and transparent way, you want to keep your eye on Young Living’s Income Disclosure. Simply put a guide to show you the most recent income statement for each rank and income earning. 

This disclosure statement shows you carefully researched information about the most recent incomes earned by YL Brand Partners. You’ll want to be sure to share a copy anytime you talk about the earning potential with Young Living. 

You can find a copy of the most recent income disclosure here!